Artist Statement

A painting is a mirror that reflects you back to yourself. That is true for both the artist and the viewer. I aim to create art that is evocative and visceral. That opens a door to a new thought, a self-discovery and a conversation. One may perceive a painting through a singular lens, such as desire, or experience it fully, engaging every chakra and element, from the earth star to the highest dimensions.  Supported by my background in shamanic energy work, I explore the tension between lust and respect—values versus primal forces. The tightrope we walk through the element of fire, which drives all of creation, union and creativity. 

The human body, in all its complexity, is a portal to deeper understanding. It fascinates me and mesmerizes me to the point of transfixion. That is why I love to paint it. My painting practice gives me time to explore the layers of being human through color, form and position. Like a tree, a person grows from a seed into a mature and majestic creation. Like a cloud, its form evolves as the weathers of life change. Like all of nature, the body is a gift to be cherished for a limited period of time.

In contrast to the masculine drive for exertion, conquest  and control—so often celebrated in our societies—feminine energies provide a necessary balance. Tenderness. Openness. Receptivity. We need that balance now more than ever. In our homes, minds and ways of being. We need her so bad. In my current body of works, feminine energy is the main protagonist. She is vulnerable yet fierce. Darkness and light. Who is she, and why is society trying erase her?

Painting is my preferred art practice because it invites the viewer to pause both in space and time. Our overstimulated senses can take a rest. When life slows down, we snap out of our trances and might notice the light pulsating within us. The music playing. Angelic choirs serenading not an ideal for us to chase, but who we are right now—and always have been. 

Elínrós Díanadóttir, Feb 13, 2025


Elínrós was born in Västerås, Sweden, in November 1984. For the first four decades of her life, she explored creativity and spirituality in all its forms, equally captivated by raw, unfiltered expression and the refined realms of spirit. After six years of traveling the world, primarily devoted to growth and serving as a cosmic shaman, she now calls Barcelona home. In late 2024, she returned her focus to painting.



2019 April, Solo exhibition at art space La Citadelle, Bastia, France
2019 Feb, Solo exhibition at art shop La P’tite Usine, Bastia, France
2017 May, Solo exhibition at hotel 2 Friends Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda
2016 April, Solo exhibition, ‘The Divine Matrix’, art house MishMash, Kampala, Uganda
2013 Jan, Group exhibition Team Rex Show at the Google building, London
2012 Sept, Group exhibition Team Rex at Red Gallery, London, UK
2012 July, Group exhibition Leytonstone Arts Trail, London, UK


2007-2008 Ottawa School of Art, Fine Art Certificate


2013 Showcase winner on ArtSlant with painting ‘A Big Leap of Faith’
2007 Awarded The Brodie Shearer Memorial scholarship at Ottawa school of Art, Canada

Commissions & Viewings

Commissions and live video call viewings of paintings are available. You can also come and view the paintings in person upon request. Please get in touch for more information. Elinros is also open to opportunities such as interviews, gallery representation and exhibitions.

WhatsApp: +34 692 55 22 28

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